Any time Jeremy says, "it's ok to not care about what the colors mean", it's 
fine by me to take his advice.  It's also fairly safe to assume linear response 
with Rec709 color primaries, 99% that's what people will want anyway, and the 
other .9% will be too close to detect any difference between that and the 
"right" answer.

On Jul 3, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Stefan Stavrev wrote:

> Thanks for helping out Jeremy!
> Just a small example to confirm I understand what you say:
> Let's say that some algorithm needs hue and saturation. To achieve the 
> flexibility you talk about, I will need to keep anything color conversion 
> related outside of my functions. The documentation will say that channels 1 
> and 2 for example, are expected to be hue and saturation. It is up to the 
> user, or another function, to deal with the actual color conversion. Whether 
> it will use HSL, HSI or HSV or whatever, does not matter, all I care about in 
> my function is that channel 1 is hue and channel 2 is saturation. This way I 
> escape dealing with color spaces in my function, but I do make assumptions 
> that the user will provide me with hue and saturation channels.
> We agree on this one?
> Stefan

Larry Gritz

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