simgunz added a comment.

  Regarding unchecking the mouse mode actions when an annotation is selected. 
As for now I think this is extremely complex to implement. I suggest leaving it 
as is for now, and once Qt 5.14 is out we can use the new option that allows 
unchecking all actions in a QActionGroup. In this way we can keep the mouse 
mode action group and the annotations action group separated and still be able 
to uncheck all the actions in one or the other group.

  R223 Okular


To: simgunz, #okular, #vdg
Cc: trickyricky26, simgunz, ltoscano, cfeck, aacid, davidhurka, knambiar, 
ngraham, tobiasdeiminger, okular-devel, johnzh, andisa, siddharthmanthan, 
maguirre, fbampaloukas, joaonetto, kezik, tfella, darcyshen

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