> Wow, that was unexpected. I changed the edition that I had listed to 
> have the correct Work title, it changed the Work title for all of them. 
> Ben, that's probably what you meant about it saving the unchanged Work 
> as well? I'll wait and see if it gets sorted out, but you can look at 
> the versions here:

Yeah, I had changed the title of the book I was working on, then realized that 
all the books in the series were now called "Mom, Wake Up! Let's Play!" which 
is pretty far from accurate. That's when I realized the books need to be 
separated into several different works. :-/

> In any case, it needs to be
> possible to indicate in the edition record the title of the work, but not to
> necessarily edit the work record's title at the same time.

This is possible now. In the edition edit screen, you can change the title of 
the particular edition. This is useful for where the title was changed in 
subsequent editions. I can't think of a specific example off the top of my 
head, but I have worked on several books which were originally published with 
one title in the UK and a different title in the US. Since they are the same 
work, I put the US version as an edition of the UK version and note the 
different title in the "title" field of the edition.

> I've come to understand and like the Open Library model quite well.
> Better than the LibraryThing model, which doesn't make the distinction
> as clear as OL does, IIRC. And isn't this (as opposed to seeing Works
> as (dynamic) abstractions of Editions) more like the FRBR way?

I'm not familiar with how LibraryThing works, but I do like the GoodReads 
method for managing editions. The "combine editions" page is open to anyone who 
is logged in, and shows a work with all the editions listed beneath it. If you 
see a work listed twice, you can merge them. If one of the editions under a 
work is incorrect, you can split it out. I have no idea how difficult it would 
be to set this up for OL, though. ;-)

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