Thanks, Tom.

On 4/7/13 8:15 AM, Tom Morris wrote:

> I presume Anand has tools to do this programatically, but if not I could
> write a quick script to do it.  It's too bad the user who made the bad
> merge didn't tell someone back in October.  It's pretty clear from the
> edit history that they realized they'd messed up.

I suspect we don't have an obvious way for people to notify us about 
such errors. That's another thing we should think about -- how to notify 
OL about errors. It doesn't make sense to join ol-tech for that purpose 
-- it seems more something that should be send to the help email.


1) Jessamyn - can you add a Q to the FAQ of the sort "Help, I made a 
huge mess!"? I guess it should say to end email to help, and include the 
URL of the page involved in the mess.
2) Can we get the community page listed on the home page? Then we can 
link from that to the FAQ as well. (In fact, I find the Help page 
singularly unhelpful at the moment, but I assume that Jessamyn has 
noticed that as well.)
3) We still don't have an online discussion forum -- we have pages, but 
no where except email to discuss. Maybe that's just a matter of starting 
up a page and making it a discussion? I just feel like we have a lot of 
info that is buried in the email list that then doesn't help others who 
run into the same thing.
4) Related to #3, there isn't a way that I can see to "watch" a page and 
be notified about changes. I still see a need for a full-fledged wiki 
for some of this work.


> Tom

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet
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