
As part of progress on OODT-16, I've got a prototype of the Apache OODT website 
up and running at

This site is generated from the Maven site artifacts of the oodt tree as of 
r965292 (back when "mvn site" worked for every module except catalog), combined 
with static HTML artifacts.

Outstanding issues you'll encounter:

- Broken links
- Misshapen Maven reports
- Broken Facebook URL
- Missing apidocs link
- Lack of Twitter account
- Need handling of news items
- Add search box
- Make HEAD of the oodt tree work again
- More!

I welcome everyone's help, of course, ~_^

The static HTML artifacts are in svn at


To re-generate the Maven artifacts, just run "mvn site" at the top level "oodt" 
tree—assuming we can get that working. (I had to "svn up -r965292".)

Then you can generate the site docs by using the oodtsite.publisher script.  
The script is checked in:


Of course, all this is open to change. Maybe static HTML artifacts aren't the 
right way to go. Maybe Maven reports aren't all that useful. Maybe we should 
use a content management system or just grab a Confluence space. Maybe blue & 
black aren't the right "feel" for OODT. Maybe the look is too professional, not 
hokey open sourcy enough. Hey, I'm flexible. We're all in this together! 
O-O-D-T! O-O-D-T!

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