On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Jean Hollis Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 19:22 -0400, Rob Weir wrote:
>> It might help to be explicit about what you want to do with the user
>> guides.  Are you:
>> 1) Looking to have a link from the Apache OOo web site to the user guides?
>> 2) Having the publication form of the user guides hosted by the Apache
>> OOo website?
>> 3) Periodically contributing the user guides to Apache OOo for
>> inclusion in a release?
> 1) and/or 2) Yes, if AOOo in interested in either of those options. Or
> hosted (as ODT/PDF) on the wiki, with links to the wiki from the
> website. We would be happy with any of those arrangements.

Did you see how Apache Subversion was handling its user guide?


(see in the side panel on left)

That might be a good model for how an external user guide project can
relate to an Apache project.  This looks more like option #1 above.

> 3) No. I do not envision user guides being included in a release. They
> never have been, and I think it would be impractical because they are
> never completed in time for inclusion in a release.
> And repeating from another note from me, just to keep the info together:
> We would welcome participation by any and all members of AOOo, and
> oversight and approval by the AOOo (P)PMC at any stage, as long as we
> don't have to use SVN or other unfamiliar tools during the document
> production process. We just want to continue using our own website and
> production methods.
> --Jean

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