On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Donald Whytock <dwhyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to suggest this be more detailed, so it's clear where the
> problems are.  That way it's easier to determine what ASF can provide
> that isn't provided already.
>>>> The current committers are not equipped to fully resource the migration of
>>>> OpenOffice.org sites and services under Apache OOo incubation.
> Does "current committers" refer to people working on the Oracle site,
> or the current pool of committers in the podling?
> Does "resource" mean supply time, gain access, provide equipment, have skill?

"Resource" as a verb is American English bureaucratic language for,
"to assign resources to a task".

>>>>  Preservation of the Wiki is in doubt because of resource and support
>>>> limitations.
> Is this preservation of the wiki in its current form because the
> Oracle servers are going away?   Preservation of the wiki data because
> it's not being done in a timely manner?
>>>>  Cutover of mailing-list and registration/forwarding systems
>>>> is not resourced at all.
> "Resourced" as in people designated/volunteering to do it, no
> comparable Apache facility, no plan, no access?
>>>>  The ability to make anticipatory modifications
>>>> of OpenOffice.org in preparation for staging is also limited, with
>>>> volunteer support and administration of the live system possibly eroding.
> Specific problems with access, skill level, available people, timetable?
> Am I overestimating what has to be in a podling report?
> Don

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