On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Thorsten Behrens
<t...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> > > It is still early enough to reunify the code base and use the well
>> > > known brand OpenOffice for a binary release. It would be the best
>> > > choice for our users.
>> > >
>> > Please correct me if I'm wrong, but binary releases bearing that
>> > name can only be made by the ASF, or can they?
>> >
>> how are other Apache projects find there way in a Linux distro? For AOO it
>> can be probably handled in the same way.
> There's precious little Apache projects with gui, and splash screen
> FWIW - reading http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/ again, it's
> very unlikely that anyone but Apache can publish OOo-branded
> binaries, and/or make material additions to an official tarball
> release. So "reunify as OOo" sounds very much like a non-starter to
> me.

If you have a specific proposal for use of Apache-owned trademarks,
then you are welcome to submit it to this list.  We can then review,
discuss and make a recommendation to Apache branding.

But I think reunification is more than brand reunification.  Simply
renaming LO to OOo would only confuse the users, since the products
differ in features and quality.  Before we think of brand concerns, I
think we first need progress on community, license and code, first at
the level of greater collaboration, then greater compatibility, then
maybe reunification.


> Cheers,
> -- Thorsten

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