On 9/27/2011 20:37, TJ Frazier wrote:
On 9/27/2011 17:03, Rob Weir wrote:
I'm assuming this is the link:


That should be a good assumption, but no. It's busted. I'll fix it.
Meanwhile, you can see it on the main page of the live wiki:


The problem is complex. Give me a day or so.

OK, try the "statistics" link. Now showing top 100. Page is still messy because of difficult working conditions (ATS problem).

Do we have any sense of what % of page visits are comprised by the top
pages? The above numbers look impressive, but I have no idea if the
top 10 pages account for 20% of the hits, or 1%.

AFAIK, the wiki is keeping a hit count per page. Someone with SQL karma and fu could total the field. It's a big number: the 100th page has 10E5+ hits.

I can crunch the numbers if there is some way to derive them. I could
even crunch the http logs directly, if they are saved for a couple of

In any case, the top pages you've reported are not typical "community"
They would work well as markdown pages.
Only if we ignore the valuable feedback from user changes on the
manuals. I find this a significant quality enhancer.

Except maybe the
FAQ's we want to be more dynamic and wiki-enabled. Might even be
something the Forum volunteers would be interested in maintaining
directly, since they would have the best sense of what questions are

I suggest that a lot more info belongs on a wiki, rather than elsewhere. Please see my upcoming reply to a commit by Dave Fisher, on a web page.

I think this is encouraging.


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