As the guy who created the education project on OOo, and who has long 
championed the goal of not only helping thru education new contributors but 
also of using education to promote FOSS, OOo and the ODF, I naturally think 
it's vital to have it. 

But what would be its remit? 

I would suggest we clarify goals. I would also like for us to work, whenever 
possible, with Apache's extant efforts in this area, and with cousin projects, 
like Mozilla. The more we team up, coordinate, collaborate, the more beer (not 
just speech) will be free.


(Nonsense words? iPad's spellchecker.)

-- Louis Suárez-Potts 


On 2011-11-18, at 15:53, "Dennis E. Hamilton" <> wrote:

> +1 on addition of Education
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eric b [] 
> Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 12:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: [WWW][Policy] Participate! - Rewriting 
> Hi,
> Le 18 nov. 11 à 20:40, Dave Fisher a écrit :
> [ ... ]
>> The c.oo.o site currently has the following categories.
>> Programming
>> Marketing
>> Quality Assurance
>> Graphics and Art
>> Writing
>> Helping Users
>> User Experience
>> Monetary Donations
>> Language Communities
>> I think most of the categories should be kept.
> If I can, I'd add the Education Project : I think we shouldn't  
> neglect how to attract and mentor newcomers and young devs, and the  
> Education side.
> Ask LibreOffice people:  they copied the Education Project methods  
> welcoming devs, introducing easy hacks, and there are very good results.
> Regards,
> Eric
> -- 
> qɔᴉɹə
> Projet OOo4Kids :
> L'association EducOOo :
> Blog :

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