On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> Rob Weir wrote:
>> In any case, I don't see any good reason to hold back Pootle access
>> from those who want to start this work now.
> Last time I checked, https://translate.apache.org/ (which, if I got it
> right, is the candidate Pootle server) only allowed committers to login.
> This might be OK in the long run, but it could be a chicken-and-egg problem
> for the time being, meaning that people who only help with translations
> couldn't make enough contributions so far to be voted in as committers.
> Workarounds are possible, anyway: for example, PO files can be downloaded,
> translated offline and then attached to an issue.

According to this page, all users, even if not logged in, can enter
translation "suggestions":


These suggestions then can be accepted by a committer.

That helps a little, but it raises other issues. For example, if a
user is not logged in, then how do I know who gets credit for the


> Regards,
>  Andrea.

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