On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 6:30 AM, Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org> wrote:
>> Be constructive. What would be the top 3 things that we should change?
>> -Rob
> Gladly, though I may be repeating myself :)
> 1) Allow some for a small number of locale leads which initially are "given
> freely like candy" but allow for revisting that if lead turns out to be
> inactive or rogue. These leads administer the access levels of their fellow
> translators (if there are any). These need Project Admin
> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/translate+pootle+service+auth+levels)
> access but I'm sure they'd be quite happy to have that restricted to AOO
> Pootle only. As I said before, I doubt a lot of translators will do much in
> the way of committing code.

OK.  I think we have a volunteer project admin for the AOO Pootle
project.  That is Raphael, right?

> 2) Allow account creating as on other Pootle servers without any hoops to
> jump through other than the usual signup process.
> In essence, handle Pootle and l10n as it was handled before.

Most of us are not familiar with how it was handled before, so it is
good to discuss the details, so we all understand it.

Right now it is configured so all Apache committers can login and have
review and commit rights.  Non-logged in users (everyone else) can
view, suggest and submit translations.

What are we missing?

Would it work, for example, if the translation leads become Apache committers?

> 3) Once that basic sort of l10n infrastructure is in place, find some people
> skilled in code who are willing to keep a closeish look on l10n issues and
> decamp l10n from the main dev mailing list.

We discussed this a while back, that it may be necessary at some point
to have an ooo-10n mailing list.



> Cheers,
> Michael

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