Dear André,

can you please include the Khmer (km_KH) dictionary for Khmer language.

Please use the one in:



On 3/29/12 8:49 PM, Andre Fischer wrote:
Current Status: Bundled dictionaries for ui languages:

ui language    dictionaries
da             da

de_AT          de_AT
de_CH          de_CH
de,de_DE       de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, it, fr, en

en             en, en_CA, en_US, en_AU, en_ZA, en_NZ

es             es

fr             fr

it             it

nl             en_US, fr, de_DE

no             no

ro             ro

ru             ru, en_US, de

sl             sl

Find details at [1]. If a language is not listed in the first column
then no dictionary will be bundled.

Ongoing: Italian team is working on the set of dictionaries to include
for "it".

_Call for Action:_ If your language is missing in this list, or you want
more dictionaries bundled for it then please reply to this thread. It will not take much of your time.

Best regards,


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