2012/10/4 Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>

> We all love the orb with gulls, but maybe it's time for a slight update to
> our logo? Or the header line on our websites (project and user portal).
> I took a look around at some of the Apache projects and the use of project
> logos and web site headers seems to fall into a few different categories.
> Sites using Apache feather but not in product logo --
> http://camel.apache.org/
> http://forrest.apache.org/
> http://cocoon.apache.org/
> Sites incorporating feather logo into an existing logo --
> http://mina.apache.org/
> http://jakarta.apache.org/oro/
> http://axis.apache.org/axis2/**java/core/<http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/>
> http://activemq.apache.org/
> http://ofbiz.apache.org/ (???)
> Sites not making overt use of any Apache logo (feather) --
> http://click.apache.org/
> So, any preferences? Ideas?

I prefer the first category, with feather and logo both on top, but

But I do not like the idea of another logo change: IMO, the last one is too
recent. On the other hand, a reorganization of the header line sounds


> There already exists a AOOLogo proposal page,
> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**AOOLogo+proposal<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOOLogo+proposal>
> so we could just add items to this, or change some that are here, or add a
> child page, etc.
> --
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ------------
> MzK
> "Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
>  doesn't mean the circus has left town."
>                     -- George Carlin

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