On 2012-10-20 12:49 PM Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Well most of the artwork is done, is just a matter of doing the commit to
the right branch. Linux has png files so they are taken from the site,
which also has the .ico and icm for windows and mac. Besides that, I wonder
what else would be needed.
Example Writer:
OSX: Not required

Are you trying to eliminate the use of colour for the file icons again? I thought we had got rid of the colourless icons imposed on the community by Oracle against the community's wishes.

Get rid of the blue orb that Oracle imposed on the community by Oracle as part of their corporate branding. The previous logo on openoffice.apache.org was far better than the blue orb on there now. Get rid of the designs that Oracle imposed on OpenOffice.org.

The original discussion on the lack of color of OO3 generated different
options which were ignored, should we adopt them now?

Keep colour in the icons

There was some icons donated on issuezzilla:
https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=118820  (not impressed)

They are better than the ones you linked to.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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