On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12-10-27, at 13:05 , Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, what about the "Support" page. Is the order of items OK. If not, what
>> should they be?
> The order there is totally up for grabs and there is no reason in that page's 
> case to abide by precedent (just the expectation that others probably have of 
> how things ought to be laid out—but even here, that is a little up in the 
> air, if not cloud).
> It was cobbled together by several, and the work they did was superb—thanks! 
> But expectations have changed and so have what can or ought to be listed 
> there.

Louis, it sounds like you are almost saying something, but not quite.
Could you be more specific, or give an example?



> Originally, the page was conceived using the old CollabNet static pages. That 
> was a while ago, and in that while, we've come to use the New Millennium's 
> technology.
> -louis

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