On 13.04.2018 17:11, Rick McGuire wrote:
> The RC value is handled exactly the same as a command without redirection 
> since we're doing the
> piping rather than the command shell.
super, this is really great!


> On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 11:05 AM, Rony G. Flatscher <rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at
> <mailto:rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at>> wrote:
>     Just a question ad "RC" (return code): would the RC value in Rexx upon 
> return from the command
>     be the value from the executed command itself in all of these scenarios 
> (rather than from
>     "rxqueue")?
>     ---rony
>     On 13.04.2018 13:12, Rick McGuire wrote:
>>     I hate it when code compiles and runs on the first attempt :-) Just 
>> moved the pipe reading
>>     code to before wait for process termination and the big data test case 
>> started working.
>>     Erich, What I did for Windows with the separate thread should be easily 
>> adapted for Linux. 
>>     Rick
>>     On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 6:58 AM, Rick McGuire <object.r...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:object.r...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Ok, I have things working with a separate thread filling the input 
>> pipe, but I'm able to
>>         get a hang with a simple example (see below). As I suspected, the 
>> problem is caused by
>>         waiting for the process to complete before reading from the output 
>> pipe. The command
>>         process stalls when the pipe gets filled and waits until data is 
>> read from the pipe. So,
>>         the process never terminates because it is waiting for the pipe to 
>> be cleared out. The
>>         attached programs work fine with much smaller amounts of data. 
>>         test.rex 
>>         a1=.array~new(100000)
>>         a1~fill('This is a test')
>>         addresscommand'rexx flipit.rex'withinputusing(a1) outputstema.
>>         saya.0
>>         flipit.rex
>>         signalonnotready
>>         loopforever
>>         sayreverse(linein())
>>         end
>>         notready:
>>         Rick
>>         On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 7:59 PM, Gil Barmwater 
>> <gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu
>>         <mailto:gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu>> wrote:
>>             You are correct on the placement of the APPEND|REPLACE keywords. 
>>  I somehow misread
>>             the BNF :-( .  As for the required parenthesis around the 
>> variable name, this will be
>>             a difference, I suspect, between ooRexx and Regina that we need 
>> to clearly document,
>>             probably by including an example showing that usage.  And I have 
>> no problem with the
>>             required dot after stem objects (as in using (foo.)) but 'output 
>> stem s' seems to me
>>             unambiguous as the keyword 'stem' indicates the name 's' is the 
>> name of a stem. Just
>>             my opinion.
>>             I access the pipes the same way the sample code I found did, 
>> with the ReadFile() and
>>             WriteFile() functions.  As I said earlier, I hadn't tested large 
>> amounts of
>>             redirected output data so the problem didn't arise during my 
>> development and
>>             testing.  The sample code didn't actually do a wait so that was 
>> something I added
>>             without thinking about the full pipe scenario.  I believe a loop 
>> with a timed wait
>>             and pipe reads (and buffered output writes) might address this 
>> but I haven't had time
>>             to experiment with it yet.  However, even that approach won't 
>> cover the case where
>>             the code blocks writing to the input pipe since we wouldn't get 
>> to the wait loop
>>             until the input data is all written.  Sounds like the thread 
>> approach might be the
>>             most straightforward way to go.
>>             Gil
>>             On 4/12/2018 5:39 PM, Rick McGuire wrote:
>>>             It looks like spinning off a thread to do this is pretty easy 
>>> using the classes we
>>>             already have. Gil, what commands have you been using to test 
>>> both ends of the pipe?
>>>             Also, I notice that the code waits for the process to complete 
>>> before reading the
>>>             output pipes. Shouldn't it be reading before the process 
>>> completes? Otherwise, a
>>>             command that creates a large amount of output will fill the 
>>> pipe up. 
>>>             Rick
>>>             On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:03 PM, Rick McGuire 
>>> <object.r...@gmail.com
>>>             <mailto:object.r...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>                 I decided to post a question to StackOverflow to see if 
>>> anybody has an
>>>                 suggestions. I'm sort of thinking the solution might be to 
>>> spin off a thread to
>>>                 handle the writes to the buffer so that the main thread can 
>>> immediately start
>>>                 emptying the output pipes. I think I'll try taking a stab 
>>> at this for the
>>>                 Windows version. 
>>>                 Rick
>>>                 On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 2:56 PM, Gil Barmwater 
>>> <gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu
>>>                 <mailto:gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu>> wrote:
>>>                     Found and fixed the problem and have been through all 
>>> my tests that I
>>>                     developed for my proof of concept package.  In the 
>>> process, I found several
>>>                     things I wasn't expecting.
>>>                     1) The parser seems to have reversed the expected 
>>> positions of the target
>>>                     type - STEM, STREAM, or USING - and the "mode" - APPEND 
>>> or REPLACE.  I
>>>                     believe the syntax per the ANSI standard should be e.g. 
>>>                     APPEND someStem. and not WITH OUTPUT APPEND STEM 
>>> someStem.
>>>                     2) There seems to be a requirement for the stream/stem 
>>> name to be either a
>>>                     literal - "abc.txt" - or if it is a variable, enclosed 
>>> in parenthesis -
>>>                     (someFile).  I expected the () for USING but not for 
>>>                     3) My package allowed for stem "names" to be specified 
>>> with or without the
>>>                     trailing . but my testing shows the trailing . is 
>>> required or an error
>>>                     message is generated.  I'm OK with that as long as it 
>>> is documented.
>>>                     4) I get an error (unable to open ... for output) when 
>>> I specify
>>>                     output stream "abc2.txt" error replace stream "abc2.txt"
>>>                     which was testing the redirection of both output and 
>>> error to the same stream.
>>>                     5) Using a non-existent file for redirected input 
>>> generates an error (unable
>>>                     to open ... for reading) while my package treated this 
>>> as a null file. 
>>>                     Probably not a problem as the error message would flag 
>>> a file name typo :-)
>>>                     As for checking in the code, I am not a committer so I 
>>> plan to generate a
>>>                     patch file and attach it to RFE 4.
>>>                     One other item that I discovered is that I can get a 
>>> deadlock in Windows as
>>>                     well.  I had not tested sending a lot of data to 
>>> redirected output but when
>>>                     I did, my package locked up, presumably due to the 
>>> output pipe being full. 
>>>                     I plan to experiment with ways around this but will 
>>> generate the patch file
>>>                     with the code as it stands now.
>>>                     Gil
>>>                     On 4/11/2018 2:32 PM, Rick McGuire wrote:
>>>>                     On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 2:26 PM Gil Barmwater 
>>>> <gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu
>>>>                     <mailto:gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu>> wrote:
>>>>                         Just a quick update on my progress so far.  I've 
>>>> gotten all the code in
>>>>                         (hopefully) the right places and I have a clean 
>>>> build.  My initial tests
>>>>                         are working but I've just hit my first problem 
>>>> which I need to debug. 
>>>>                         Hopefully, it will not be too much longer before 
>>>> I'm done.
>>>>                     checking the code in as it is is also an option...it 
>>>> gets more eyeballs on
>>>>                     the problem 
>>>>                     Rick
>>>>                         -- 
>>>>                         -- 
>>>>                         Gil Barmwater

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