On 15.09.2018 15:14, Rick McGuire wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 9:48 AM Rony G. Flatscher <rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at
> <mailto:rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at>> wrote:
>     Two quick questions:
>       * what is the current state of the ooRexx interpreter in the trunk: 
> does it have all the
>         garbage collection enhancements applied already?
> This has already be integrated. 
Great, so I will turn to this version and try my (memory consuming) test units 
for BSF4ooRexx with
it, as it may be the case that the large memory optimization may allow them to 
run faster.

>       * what is the state of ooRexx 5.0 beta: when will it be released 
> (companies and
>         organisations won't usually install software dubbed/in the state of 
> "beta")?
> There are still a couple of features that need docs and tests written, plus 
> we still don't have a
> Mac installer.  It will be released when it is released. The same answer you 
> get every time you
> ask this question. If you wish it to be done faster, then pitch in with 
> completing the remaining work.
If there was something that I could really do, then please let me know.

However, being on a few other opensource projects (the main one being 
BSF4ooRexx allowing ooRexx to
use Java as if it was ooRexx and employing ooRexx as a scripting language) time 
resources are
extremely scarce. [Also, for months I have been meaning to become active in the 
OpenJDK JavaFX
project to improve the support for Java scripting languages, motivated by 
BSF4ooRexx. Due to an
extremely steep learning curve - I would have to become able to learn the 
details of quite some
powerful Java class sources and then to create the JavaFX modules after 
changing source code there -
I have not been able to even start on that endeavor.]

Having said that, if there are e.g. test units that should/need to be created 
then I would try to
help out in that corner. If so, please advise.


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