Hello P.O

I am using a slightly modified CMakeLists 
find attached the diffs 

the command line used is 
( naturally after having created the build directory at the same level of oorexx.alt )

cmake ../oorexx.alt -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/oorexx -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

but I am considering to build using
cmake ../oorexx.alt -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/oorexx -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelwithDebInfo

for unknown reasons sometimes the O3 optimization flag thrashes things
and looking at various documents there is not too much difference between -O2 and -O3
the -g flag is not that much intrusive and gives some debugging hints

after that the usual make && make install
( it would be nice to implement the ctest part of cmake, to provide some basic tests )

the quirk is that the pkgbuild must be run pointing to the installed dir
( IIRC xCode builds a phony install into /tmp )

find attached also the plist built by   pkgbuild


the BUILD TYPE is very important, without it the rexx performance sucks :-)

rexxcps.rex gives ( -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelwithDebInfo )
Performance: 11038575 REXX clauses per second ( TOP )
and is normally higher than 10500000

Attachment: oorexx_svn.2.oorexx_alt.diff
Description: Binary data


Attachment: com.oorexx.pkg.plist
Description: Binary data

On 16 Sep 2018, at 10:29, P.O. Jonsson <oor...@jonases.se> wrote:

Dear Enrico, can you please share with me your CMake command line? It would help me a lot. I use your CMakeLists.txt so I should be able to reproduce what you did.

Von meinen Macbook gesendet

P.O. Jonsson

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