
it is a problem with "samples\makestring.rex".

Running it on a Windows 7 machine yields:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ooRexx\samples>*makestring.rex*
    Unable to create test file :  
C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\C:\Program Files 

So the user's temporary directory location gets concatenated with the fully 
qualified path to the
temporary file.

The Rexx code up to that point looks like (starting with line # 62 after the 
comments and the
routine starting at line # 225):

    --creating temporary input and output file

    *file_name_in = getTempFileName('tst_input.???')*
    file_name_out = getTempFileName('tst_output.???')
    file_in = .stream~new(file_name_in)
    file_out = .stream~new(file_name_out)

    if file_in~open \= "READY:" then do
        say "Unable to create test file : " file_name_in

    ... cut ...

    ::routine getTempFileName
      use strict arg template

      fileName = SysTempFileName(template)
      parse upper source os .

      -- Add code for other operating systems here if needed.
        when os~abbrev(WIN) then do
          tempDir = value("TEMP", , "ENVIRONMENT")
          if tempDir == "" then tempDir = value("TMP", , "ENVIRONMENT")
          if tempDir == "" then leave  -- Give up.

          if tempDir~right(1) \== '\' then tempDir = tempDir'\'
          fileName = tempDir || fileName

    return fileName

SysTempFileName() returns a fully qualified path to the temporary file which 
gets appended to the
temporary directory on Windows only.

Removing the entire select statement (looks awkward anyway as only one 
WHEN-branch is there) solves
the problem on Windows.


On 02.10.2019 11:59, Jeremy Nicoll wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019, at 22:02, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>> Launching makestring.rex from the home directory (if that what it is 
>> called on Win) works
> C:\Users
> isn't a home directory.  Indeed it's not a usual place for a Windows user
> to be at all.  If a user is in that sort of place you'd expect them to be 
> looking at their own files eg at 
> C:\Users\myusername
>> But launching it from anywhere else fails:
>> C:\>rexx makestring.rex
>> Unable to create test file : C:\Users\po\AppData\Local\Temp\C:\tst_input.954
> You've got two complete filenames concatenated there.
> The "C:\tst_input.954"  part is not valid on the end of the earlier bit, 
> because ":"
> is only valid as the second character of a filepath, immediately after a disk 
> letter.

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