Thanks for clarifying Rony, should I file a bug report?

I was initially launching from C:\Users\po (my "home dir")

Not from  C:\Users

 But the problem is in the getTempFileName system function, not in anything I 
wrote. Example is from a sample delivered with ooRexx. 

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 02.10.2019 um 12:31 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher <>:
> Jeremy,
> it is a problem with "samples\makestring.rex".
> Running it on a Windows 7 machine yields:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\ooRexx\samples>makestring.rex
> Unable to create test file :  C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\C:\Program 
> Files (x86)\ooRexx\samples\tst_input.528
> So the user's temporary directory location gets concatenated with the fully 
> qualified path to the temporary file.
> The Rexx code up to that point looks like (starting with line # 62 after the 
> comments and the routine starting at line # 225):
> --creating temporary input and output file
> file_name_in = getTempFileName('tst_input.???')
> file_name_out = getTempFileName('tst_output.???')
> file_in = .stream~new(file_name_in)
> file_out = .stream~new(file_name_out)
> if file_in~open \= "READY:" then do
>       say "Unable to create test file : " file_name_in
>       exit
> end
> ... cut ...
> ::routine getTempFileName
>   use strict arg template
>   fileName = SysTempFileName(template)
>   parse upper source os .
>   -- Add code for other operating systems here if needed.
>   select
>     when os~abbrev(WIN) then do
>       tempDir = value("TEMP", , "ENVIRONMENT")
>       if tempDir == "" then tempDir = value("TMP", , "ENVIRONMENT")
>       if tempDir == "" then leave  -- Give up.
>       if tempDir~right(1) \== '\' then tempDir = tempDir'\'
>       fileName = tempDir || fileName
>     end
>     otherwise
>       nop
>   end
> return fileName
> SysTempFileName() returns a fully qualified path to the temporary file which 
> gets appended to the temporary directory on Windows only.
> Removing the entire select statement (looks awkward anyway as only one 
> WHEN-branch is there) solves the problem on Windows.
> ---rony
>> On 02.10.2019 11:59, Jeremy Nicoll wrote:
>>> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019, at 22:02, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>>> Launching makestring.rex from the home directory (if that what it is 
>>> called on Win) works
>> C:\Users
>> isn't a home directory.  Indeed it's not a usual place for a Windows user
>> to be at all.  If a user is in that sort of place you'd expect them to be 
>> looking at their own files eg at 
>> C:\Users\myusername
>>> But launching it from anywhere else fails:
>>> C:\>rexx makestring.rex
>>> Unable to create test file : C:\Users\po\AppData\Local\Temp\C:\tst_input.954
>> You've got two complete filenames concatenated there.
>> The "C:\tst_input.954"  part is not valid on the end of the earlier bit, 
>> because ":"
>> is only valid as the second character of a filepath, immediately after a 
>> disk 
>> letter.
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