ooRexx only accepts Common Public License v1.0
You are providing your rgf_util2.rex under ASF 2.0

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 7:14 PM Rony G. Flatscher <rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at>

> Hi Erich,
> On 22.03.2020 11:56, Erich Steinböck wrote:
> > I agree with Gil.  Let's stay with our current coding/tagging style and
> the typographic conventions.
> I concur as well, see my follow-up to Gil's mail.
> > Also, rgf_util2.rex is unacceptable for inclusion in our svn.  Please
> fix the copyright or remove
> > it from the svn, and please also do so for any other of your current or
> future commits.
> What is the problem (I really do not understand)? What constitutes a "fix"?
> ---rony
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