On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Bill Erickson <beric...@gmail.com> wrote:
> /osrf-http-translator provides a lower level OpenSRF API and supports
> streaming responses, but its use is no longer encouraged, because the
> underlying mechanism (multipart/x-mixed-replace) is deprecated and only
> works with our old version of XULRunner.  This interface will likely be
> deprecated along with the XUL client.
Couple of additional comments for those following along...

1. The multipart/x-mixed-replace part of the translator only affects its
ability to stream results.  Without this, it's less efficient / fast, but
still works.  You just can't use it for API calls that return large result
sets or for real-time use of individual results.  The OpenSRF API/session
support works regardless.

2. Various HTML interfaces outside of the XUL client proper (primarily ACQ
and admin UI's) use the translator.  All of these would have to be ported
to websockets before we could consider deprecation.


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