Hi all,

Further update on this topic:

> Thanks once again :) - If I manage to find/assert it, I will surely
> post back.

I tried to do an experiment to confirm the maximum number of available
targets and LUNs with an initiator. I did:

On the target machine:
1. I created softlinks for a device such that they are named /dev/link
$i_$j where i varies from 1-100 and j varies from 0-10. Thus, I had
links like "link1_0, link1_1, ...,link30_0,...,
link99_0, ...link100_10".
2. Each link was a softlink of a valid SCSI device on the target. All
this was pushed into the /etc/ietd.conf file and service iscsi-target
was restarted. (Yup, I am using iscsi-target-0.4.16 on the target
3. This gave me 100 targets, each having 10 LUNs - starting from
mydisk1 to mydisk100 (as target names).

On the initiator:
1. I set the discovery on this target machine IP. and tried to log in.

Discovery itself is not able to add more than 89 (twice I got 90)
devices. It simply doesn't get any information about the top 11
devices from the ietd.conf file.
On the target, the message log contained something like "Dropping key
(target ___ )" which, I found, was appearing from text_key_add()
function from the iscsi-target package.

The code is something like:
      if (conn->rsp.datasize + len > INCOMING_BUFSIZE) {
                log_warning("Dropping key (%s=%s)", key, value);

Initiator doesn't show any error, and infact the node list (iscsiadm -
m node) doesn't display any device starting from mydevice1 -
mydevice11 in the list.

I tried this experiment many times by
1. changing the number of LUNs,
2. changing the device being pointed to by the soft links,
3. changing the number of target devices defined in ietd,
4. making half the links point to one device, and other half to other
5. Shuffling the order of ietd defined target names (and each time
starting 10-11, according to definition in ietd.conf, are not send by
target, whatever there name be).

Each time the result was same (atleast) - 89-90 can only be added.

I am still trying to find what could be the possible bottleneck that
is preventing me to add more devices - till then, I would really
appreciate if there is anything anyone would like to point out. Any
hints or mistakes I am making? Hopefully, using dummy (links) is not
something "not-allowed" as per target/initiator implementation.


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