> I take it you aren't using Glyph per se, but you've manufactured an
> object that's imported and realized by simply rendering it, right?
> I'd bypass Glyph since you can't get its internal scale value (an
> addition someone should add someday).

> So if I were scaling up the Sphere, I could always translate the
> "glyph" to the origin, use an inverse scale, then retransform it to
> the surface of the Sphere (calculate the scaled distance vector).

What are you meaning about use an inverse scale ? myglyph doesn't utilize any
changeable size scale, like Glyph (that's the reason I'm using it, I think).

I don't follow these translations and retransformations. I'm only working on
the surface of the sphere anyway (global map warped on to a sphere), does that
change your suggestion about translating to the origin ([0,0,0] ?? center of
the earth ??)

> But if you are zooming the camera, the problem is trickier as we've said
> before.

Yes, I'm zooming the camera, too. I've worked in the past with calculating a
new size scale for the standard Glyph based on %zoom and soforth, but I ended
up having to trash it due to camera issues (having to do with reset, if I
remember correctly). I *really* don't want to have to revisit that route. Very

> Chris Pelkie
> Vice President/Scientific Visualization Producer
> Conceptual Reality Presentations, Inc.
> 30 West Meadow Drive
> Ithaca, NY 14850
>-- End of excerpt from Chris Pelkie

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