Dear all,

In the paper world, I know, it is clear.

A document with legal implications can never be destroyed without any  
A document with legal implications can be removed from a registry in  
one place and moved to a special registry, folder, cupboard, etc.

And the same is true for data entered (and attestedand therefor with  
leagal implications) in the paper file.
What is in it, stays in it.
It is explicitly forbidden to remove, scratch out, made unreadable, etc.
The only way is to annotate incorrect data/information and not use it  
or send  it to others.

In other words, in the paper world in the Netherlands, we only know  
the logical delete.

What has happened, has happened, we can not falsify history, is the  
bottom line.


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 654 792800

On 21-apr-2006, at 23:11, Thomas Beale wrote:

> William E Hammond wrote:

> Result, we need to have the ability to remove data physically and
> completely from the EHR.  To leave the data is a breach of privacy.
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