
I will repeat myself.

You are talking about a data type.
This DV_Quantity is a number.
The question is how do we embellish this data type and the number it  
presents with extra codes/numbers to indicate: types of certainty/ 
uncertainty, and statistical distributions.

The only real meaning of an extra attribute as part of DV-Quantity  
pertains to the number given and not the meaning (interpretation).
The extra attribute in DV-Quantity will  provide information about  
the precision of the number, only.

Any extra information is a property of the concept in which DV- 
Quantity is used. E.g. certainty/uncertainty, distribution, etc.
It is related to the specific concept and its context that is being  
expressed and not the expression of a number/data type.

~, statistical distributions, etc will have to be expressed at  the  
level of Concept definition and therefore the Archetype.



--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 654 792800

On 21-apr-2006, at 17:12, Thomas Beale wrote:

> this seems pretty close to a correct model. Slight corrections I  
> would suggest are:
> - I am still uncomfortable with '~', since it seems to mean  
> "approximate", but "we don't know how approximate"...
> - does "None" mean a) none recorded (i.e. don't know, i.e. same as  
> '~') or b) no accuracy, i.e. an exact value (reasonable for some  
> things, e.g. the answer to the question "number of previous  
> pregnancies")?
> - in the case of a statistical distribution, one value may not be  
> enough to characterise the limits, since the distribution may be  
> asymmetric (I don't remember enough beyond normal/T/Chi2 to  
> remember if there are distributions that need even more parameters).
> The question for us in openEHR is how much to implement of such a  
> model: we have to be driven by real use cases.

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