Dear all,

The CEN EN13606 EHRcom standard is using an attribute to indicate  
that 'something is going on' and that precautions must be taken.  
Resulting most often in the need for human intervention.
Is such an attribute a possible intermediate solution for the problem  

--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 654 792800

On 26-apr-2006, at 15:24, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> Much to my dismay a quick grep over a couple hundred results
> idling in files on my machine doesn't yield a "<=" or ">="
> offhand but I'm positive I've seen it before. When I come
> across one I'll post it to the list.
> Checking the lab data transmission specs confirms that the
> result can be a free-text field which easily allows for any
> of the discussed accuracy modifiers.

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