see below.

--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 653 108732

On 3-nov-2006, at 14:02, Andrew Patterson wrote:

> So 13606 EHRcom is very much a go-between format - something that
> can be used to transfer clinical data between systems, but not  
> something
> around which you would build an actual running system i.e. a system  
> sitting
> in a GP's office? Is that the correct thinking?

Yes, this is how I understand things.
>> Your technical comments I will refer to Dipak Kalra the task force  
>> leader.
>> ADL and part 2 of the EN13606 are identical.
> How does the openehr governance and CEN process mesh? At the
> moment, if we find a typo in the ADL spec, we mail Thomas and he
> fixes it (I know there is an actual formal openEHR process but for
> simple changes, that is what is boils down to :).
> When it becomes an ISO standard, do changes to the
> openEHR ADL spec automatically transfer across into the ISO standard?
> Is there any chance in a divergence between the languages?

For quite some time I'm of the opinion that conformance testing of  
standards is useless.
We need to test conformance against an implementable specification.

In general the standard will be the most generic stable point of  
But in reality we all know that reality and experience evolve faster  
than any standardisation organisation is able to cope with.
For all practical purposes OpenEHR is the fast track, quick response,  
organisation taking care of a version of an implementable specification.

In the case of CEN13606 part 1 conformance testing should be done  
using the OpenEHR specification (the CEN Extract part)
In the case of CEN13606 part 2 conformance testing should be done  
using a designated version of the OpenEHR ADL specification.

It will be up to OpenEHR, the user community and possibly others  
(like governments) to decide when to correct, amend and update the  

> Andrew
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