Erik Sundvall wrote:
> I obviously did not explain clearly what I meant by GUI-hints. What I
> was thinking of was a bit more towards the "left" side of the spectrum
> trying to capture some some of the "semantics" of the
> human-computer-interaction when entering the things described by
> templates. I was not thinking of colors, fonts, detailed component
> placement etc. Instead I'm thinking of things like:
> - Greg's suggestion that one could specify whether a text node in a
> template will likely be short (e.g. a name) or if it is more likely to
> be a paragraph that would benefit from a multiline-type of text entry
> widget.
> - In a long template that also includes a section about "tobacco use"
> you might want to specify that the detailed parts regarding amount of
> consumption don't need to be shown if the person has been documented
> with the status "Never used". (I.e. implemented using simple
> conditional statements).
> - In the a particular use case in mind you might want to assign the
> the subtree "Consumption, Amount of substance" a higher priority in
> GUIs than the "Previous attempts to quit smoking" subtree so that the
> latter gets pushed to a normally hidden collapsed/hidden subform if
> there is a lack of space. (I.e. using a detail level mechanism)
> - Mechanisms like "hide_in_ui" to skip intermediate things that are
> meaningful in information modelling but are distracting or unnecessary
> in a GUI.

most of the above are part of the CUI design ideas in the NHS, and I 
agree, are more 'semantic'. I think of them as 'workflow' semantics, 
rather than data semantics. They are a logical concept that could be 
implemented in presentation in more than one way. The conditionality 
idea (Erik's 2nd point above) is included in the new template / 
specialised archetype specification. Some things like the priority have 
not yet been considered (even by the CUI group) but probably need to be.
> As you can see these things have a bit of a semantic touch also, but
> maybe a different kind of semantics than we usually refer to as
> semantics in this community.
> When it comes to template design it would be interesting to know if
> the clinicians always are comfortable only having the on/off (set zero
> occurrence) of templates (or are there more restrictions available)?
> Don't you get a lot of "it depends"-answers whether to include
> something in a template or not? Do you believe that answers what to
> "kill" from (for the use case) overly detailed archetypes templates
> would be different if the clinicians are aware of the possibilities to
> change priorities, set conditional statements etc?

hence the need to add conditionality to the template spec;-)

> I don't suggest that these hints necessarily should be created
> simultaneously with the template editing, but I guess that the very
> same clinical experts that design the template would be also good
> candidates to give some GUI-hints after the template creation.
> Thoughts?
> When it comes to what I call GUI-hints above I believe it would be
> useful to specify a model (like the with the AM) and one or many
> serialization formats of it rather than going straight for a markup
> language. 

some of these hints will be covered by the new specialised archetype / 
template model. but some are not yet. I wonder if we can construct a 
definitive list?

> Artifacts built using that model could then be used for auto
> generation of GUIs (whenever that is necessary) and as input to other
> steps specifying things more to the "right" in the spectrum like
> dealing with specific widgets, component positioning etc. for example
I think this is true as well...

> One last thing...
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 00:18, Thomas Beale
> <thomas.beale at> wrote:
>> ... there are more semantic indicators being built
>> into the template designer, some based on the NHS CUI project, that will
>> provide good hints on GUI generation, including some temporal workflow
>> aspects.
> Are these things or the principles behind them something you can and
> would like to like detail a bit more or share with the community when
> time permits?

as far as I know the CUI group's work is not secret; we have been given 
a list of about 10 things they want to see in a GUI, but I have to admit 
I have not even checked to see if this is on the relevant website. We 
need to find that out and make it public if it is not.

- thomas beale

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