The Generic User Interfaces, i.e. the GUI_hints that are a bit more towards
the "left" side of the spectrum described by Eric Sundvall, would be
archetype specific rather than template specific. I personally think these
generic GUI-hints should be processed by a  generic form engine that
understands archetypes only. For example, if tobacco use status value is
"Never used", which is local coded text in the substance_use archetype, the
"Method" cluster can be hidden from the form. This generic GUI_hint can be
applied to all templates or user interfaces.  A more specific form engine is
required for context specific user interfaces. 





[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gerard Freriks
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 11:32 PM
To: erisu at; For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Re: GUI-hints in openEHR templates? (Was: PatientOS archetype to
form demo (of sorts))


My spectrum:


- Archetypes (generic documentation patterns)

- Templates (context dependent documentation patterns)

- Generic User Interfaces (generic presentation patterns)

- User Interface (context dependent presentation patterns)





-- <private> --

Gerard Freriks, MD

Huigsloterdijk 378

2158 LR Buitenkaag

The Netherlands


T: +31 252544896

M: +31 620347088

E:     gfrer at



Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 

Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755





On Jun 30, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Erik Sundvall wrote:


Thanks for a lot of interesting response regarding "GUI-hints" and other

Please excuse a little left-to-right analogy below:
There seems too be a scale or spectrum of detail level and use case
specificity going from...
Left: purely semantic (maximum data set) models = archetypes
...via the nearby...
openEHR templates (still purely semantic if we skip the "hide_in_ui"
to keep the template artifacts)
...further far away to...
Right: actual GUI in an implemented system with specific widgets positioning

Currently openEHR specifications describe artifacts at the "left" side
of the spectrum. This discussion has interestingly been broadened
further to the "right" than I was thinking of in my initial questions.
If we look at a tool like the Template Designer from Ocean Informatics
there is an immediate jump from templates (close to the left) to
detailed GUI layout (far right), that jump could be divided into more
steps (possibly with some steps persisted and reusable) as suggested
by some in this discussion.


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