Hi Stef!

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 22:15, Stef Verlinden <stef at vivici.nl> wrote:
> Good that you bring up the SA + or - discussion again.

I wish I wouldn't have to. I'd rather focus on implementation and research.

> In order to make the
> best decision can you please provide us with these arguments

The arguments AGAINST SA have been publicly available for years on the
openEHR community wikipage set up by Thomas Beale for exactly that


Do read that wikipage and follow the links there to the mail
discussions. What is it that you think is missing or unclear in the
arguments against SA?

The arguments FOR SA have, according to me at least, not been properly
explained publicly, but some argument has obviously been strong
somehow behind the locked doors in board discussions.

Clarification from Sam and the board has been sought for several
years, e.g. in the followup questions directed to Sam since
04-Jun-2010 at 

>and, if possible, with the names of those companies/organisations.

No, because:
1. I don't know if it was said in confidence or not
2. It's about time they, and all other openEHR-related
companies/organisations, engage themselves in the future of openEHR
and figure out their possible positions in this ecosystem. Until now
there has not been a proper chance for them to engage on the same
premises as Ocean Informatics and UCL, but now it's about time to wake
up :-)

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/? Tel: +46-13-286733

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