Op 7 sep 2011, om 09:55 heeft Erik Sundvall het volgende geschreven:

> Do read that wikipage and follow the links there to the mail
> discussions. What is it that you think is missing or unclear in the
> arguments against SA?

That they're hidden in a lot of text form which one has to follow through 
hyperlinks and read even more text.

You stated somewhere - correctly - that companies want to avoid risk, similarly 
decision makers want to avoid reading through lengthy discussion (from which 
they have to draw there own conclusions:-) )

If I understand you correctly your main argument is that:

the share alike (SA) requirement will create a risk for lengthy juridical 
procedures - in every country they operate - for companies  who include openEHR 
archetypes or derivatives thereof in their systems. Since companies avoid risk, 
they  will choose other solutions without an SA requirement.

The reason for this is that it's not clear what SA exactly means. For instance 
in the context of building archetype-based GUI- stubs, forms etc. in 
proprietary systems. As a consequence it could be possible that companies are 
forced - unwillingly - to open up the source of their proprietary systems. It 
will take years and many court cases, in different countries, to sort this out. 
Until then (the large) companies will stay away from openEHR.

This problem can be avoided completely by dropping the SA requirement.

So I guess the first question is: who has a solid argument against Erik's 

The second question is: what are the exact benefits of the SA requirement and 
are they worth the risk of companies not using openEHR at all (presuming that's 
a real risk).



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