Yes! this is really clear and has been a great help.
Thanks a lot.

Just to give info that may help other in the future: in our case, the 
instruction is a recommendation to do some exercise, and we need to know if the 
activity (the exercise) is completed. We consider a completed activity to be 
one exercise instance, e.g. one walk in the park. But the recommendation is 
something like "walk 30 min/day for 2 weeks", so I think a good approach is to 
create one ACTIVITY for each day, and let the patient change the state of each 
day's ACTIVITY (scheduled, started, completed).
In this case, if the day passes and the activity was never "active", we'll mark 
it as "expired".
Of course, any comments about this scenario are very welcome.
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 18:07:31 +0100
To: openehr-technical at
Subject: Re: Commiting ACTIONs for the same INSTRUCTION ACTIVITY

    On 09/08/2012 17:44, pablo pazos wrote:

        Hi Thomas,

        I agree with that, but I think we are talking about
          different scenarios. I understand we can have various ACTIONs
          for "active" states (and reschedule or suspend/resume

        My question is: if an ACTIVITY is "completed" (or "aborted"
          or "expired", i.e. a terminated state)
            is it possible or valid
                to start another execution cycle for that ACTIVITY
                instance? or,
            should I create another
                ACTIVITY instance with the same info in order to execute
                it? i.e. create another ACTION with state "scheduled" or
                "active" for the same ACTIVITY that is "completed".

    Ah - good question (sorry, didn't read your earlier post properly!)


    The current model is designed is that once an ACTIVITY is completed
    by an ACTION putting it into a terminal state, then that's it. So
    for things like long term asthma medication, contraceptive pill, or
    any chronic condition medication, where the intent of the
    prescription (or hospital order) is to be more or less indefinite,
    with the patient just getting repeats then the ACTIVITY is always
    active or suspended, and never terminated. But even if it is
    terminated, e.g. the asthma patient gets better (it does happen!),
    it just means that if it has to be restarted, it will be a new
    order, which reflects what happens in real life.


    The key to this is that what is recorded (in terms of
    INSTRUCTION+ACTIVITY, and ACTIONs) should reflect real life of
    orders/prescriptions, repeats, not just the taking of the drugs


    hope this is clearer.


    - thomas



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