On 18/11/2014 12:50, David Moner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was not aware of this addition. It is clear that having these UIDs 
>> it will be simpler to check if the archetype has changed, as you say. 
>> But is it also the intention of these UIDs to be used to fill the 
>> archetype_id attributes in the RM instances? Or the link between the 
>> instance and an specific archetype will be done using the traditional 
>> archetype identifier+version+revision+build? Moreover, if now we will 
>> have unique identifiers with version+revision+build, why do we need 
>> an additional UID?
>> David
Hi David,

What you refer to as version+revision+build is called 
majorVersion.minorVersion.patchNumber in SemVer.
In addition you can have a "-alpha" flag to indicate that the archetype 
is still unstable.
In this unstable mode a build id is necessary if you want to uniquely 
identify one particular instance of an archetype - there could e.g. be 
many 1.0.1-alpha (but only one 1.0.1 or 1.1.0 or 1.0.2).
This is just SemVer as far as I am aware.

So the complete revision could be e.g. 1.0.1-alpha+BUILD where build is 
e.g. a UID which changes each time (in a CKM environment on each 
upload), even if nothing else in the complete revision number changes.
Thomas has called this build uid instance id in his initial email.


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