On 05/04/2018 13:50, Philippe Ameline wrote:

In my mind, fils guides and archetype are of different kind: an archetype is a flexible information schema and nodes that were "build using this mold" keep a link to it ; on the contrary, a fil guide is nothing more than a UI helper that makes a one step deep proposal (since, when validating a proposed son, you now are on a different path (previous one + validated node) and the system will try to find a fil guide for this path). Since the process is fully dynamic and local to the user (depending on the set of fil guides he uses) the nodes don't have to remember what fil guide they originate from.

To sum it up, you can have a journey walking in well known areas (archetypes) and finding your way in the wild (tree filling interface). When in the wild, you can sometimes be presented with a "step wide carpet" (Fil guide) that helps you walk more comfortably (this process being iterative, you can "follow the carpet as it unfolds", but can also head on in another direction).

well maybe 'structural terminology' is a bad term; what I am really talking about is /models of possible content/ (possible utterances).

I was mainly talking about the extra structural elements such as "Entry", etc.

Besides, if "models of possible content" are very important inside the deterministic area, it would be pretty limited to have the only alternative "model of free text". If only because, if you provide users with a structured language, you will also be able to detect that they enter an area where you can present them with a model. When I wrote that a fil guide only makes a "one step ahead" proposal, I forgot to mention that it can also trigger an archetype (hey, since you are mentioning blood pressure, why not simply fill this form?).

we really should build a combined descriptive architecture to show how all this fits together to solve:

 * the continuum of deterministic - non-deterministic utterances
   possible in healthcare
 * the linguistic interface v structured info behind question

the second is not the same as the first - there are many docs who prefer a language /document / writing / speaking interface than a structured form, even if the information really is or could be structured in a standard way.

Well, I knew that more than 10y ago when we first talked about this ... So much to do :)

- thomas

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