On Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 01:08:41PM +0200, Bert Verhees wrote:

> So, on medico-legal purposes as Ian and Karsten and maybe others referred
> to, a patient, if he maintains his own PHR, and he likes to delete it, he
> can never sue a clinician, because, he, himself, destroyed important
> evidence.

That is certainly not true, and also not what I intended to say.

> For that reason, it is for a clinician not necessary to maintain
> data-copies from the patient

What ?   Even sub-legal practice law mandates keeping a record :-)

I am sure I misunderstand what you are saying.

> If the clinician needs access to the data, for example, to prepare for a
> visit next day, he can ask the patient to allow access to the PHR the day
> before the visit, but these are al infrastructural details, for which
> solutions can be found.

Not in the real world today.

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