On 18/07/2019 3:42 pm, Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Such error just means that firstly you should update your system.

I have, at least, I have done the best I can to, without knowing what I've done wrong in the mean time, this is the second update I've done today, to be sure I'm doing it right? :

root@testy:~# pkg image-update --be-name oi20190718.1
            Packages to update:   2
       Create boot environment: Yes
Create backup boot environment:  No

DOWNLOAD PKGS FILES XFER (MB) SPEED Completed 2/2 1/1 0.2/0.2 97.6k/s

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Removing old actions                             1/1
Installing new actions                           1/1
Updating modified actions                        7/7
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           2/2
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done

A clone of oi20190718 exists and has been updated and activated.
On the next boot the Boot Environment oi20190718.1 will be
mounted on '/'.  Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.

root@testy:~# beadm list
BE           Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
oi2019.04    -      -          13.0M static 2019-06-22 22:53
oi20190718   N      /          504K  static 2019-07-18 09:47
oi20190718.1 R      -          8.69G static 2019-07-18 13:44

reboot it ...

root@testy:~# beadm list
BE           Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
oi2019.04    -      -          13.0M static 2019-06-22 22:53
oi20190718   -      -          13.0M static 2019-07-18 09:47
oi20190718.1 NR     /          8.70G static 2019-07-18 13:44

root@testy:~# pkg install virtualbox
Creating Plan (Solver setup): -
Creating Plan (Solver setup): /
Creating Plan (Solver setup): \
pkg install: No matching version of system/virtualbox can be installed:
Reject: pkg://openindiana.org/system/virtualbox@6.0.8-2018.0.0.0:20190523T152753Z Reason: No version matching 'require' dependency image/library/libpng16@1.6.36-2018.0.0.0 can be installed
Reject: pkg://openindiana.org/image/library/libpng16@1.6.37-2018.0.0.0:20190617T131715Z Reason: No version matching 'require' dependency library/zlib@1.2.11-2018.0.0.2 can be installed
Reject: pkg://openindiana.org/library/zlib@1.2.11-2018.0.0.2:20190220T155933Z Reason: This version is excluded by installed incorporation consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2018.0.0.11320
Reason: This version is excluded by installed incorporation consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2018.0.0.11320

So it's not updating properly, the "userland-incorporation" thing seems to be the blocker. How do I fix that?

Thank you!


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