On 2013-10-14 01:06, Rafal wrote:
If you honestly encourage community to make a such big effort as developing, 
adjusting and maintaining JVMs on the two leading mobile platforms, you don't 
have any plans that Oracle VM on android will be released in the next 2 years. 
Otherwise, if Oracle announce own VM, then all this community's effort be for 
nothing and pointless.

Open source done in the spare time by people with a full time job usually never grows much 
bigger than a nice but not too complex library; layout engines, testing frameworks, a web 
framework, that kind of stuff. Because as a project grows in size and complexity, so do the 
(number of) issues and the time required to provide support. That usually is the point where 
either a company is started (projects like Maven and Gradle) or the project gets corporate 
"funding" usually by that a corporation allows some developers to spent worktime on 
it (Apache, Eclipse, and Java & JavaFX is getting there).

A full fledged port of a JVM to a mobile platform cannot be carried in spare 
time, it can be showcased (which it has), but to make it production worthy one 
or more corporations needs to put their weight behind it.

My 2 cents,


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