Hi Tom this is also true for Swing and the EDT. I had heard years ago jre 8 was 
going to address this via 2 drawing threads and modularity but jigsaw was 
delayed and not sure what happened to the 2 drawing thread idea. I really wish 
we could instantiate windows in memory and when needed draw them. The user 
experience and perception of java would be so much better for the client side. 
If someone on the java client side knows how to do this I would love to try it 
to verify it.
Best Regards,
Tony Anecito
On Saturday, April 26, 2014 11:39 AM, Mike Hearn <m...@plan99.net> wrote:
> At e(fx)clipse we have an FXML to Java translator who removes all the
> reflection overhead from FXML. It does not yet support all FXML features
> but we are steadily improving it and with test cases we are able to fix
> problems quite fast. Maybe this is an option for you?

That would be very interesting to try, yes please! Where can I find it? My
project is Java 8 based so that's no problem.

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