Ok. Maybe you are right. Sometimes "Less is more".
I am moving forward to high availability and i am planning to set two ldap
servers in Mirror mode.
I have already setup a haproxy in front but i have two problems.

1. Not able to enable StartTLS (currently only SSL is functional)
2. It seems quite slower. Is this normal?

Στις Πέμ, 22 Σεπ 2016 στις 12:20 μ.μ., ο/η Dirk Kastens <
dirk.kast...@uni-osnabrueck.de> έγραψε:

> Hi,
> > Do you know a good policy for increamental backup? I mean i only have
> > now 10000 users but in the future it will really get bigger and i hate
> > to dump the whole database
> > every night.
> Why not? I'm dumping our directory with 70.000 entries using slapcat
> every night in less than a minute.
> Dirk
> --
Δρ. Νικόλας Στυλιανίδης
Ηλεκτρολόγος Μηχανικός και Μηχ. Υπολογιστών

Nikolas Stylianides, Dr.
Dr. Eng. in Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mobile Tel.: +35796741315
Email: nstyliani...@leafnet.com.cy, nstyliani...@gmail.com
Skype: nicostyl

LEAF NET LTD: Research & Development
Open University of Cyprus: Research Associate, APPLIED HEALTH INFORMATICS
Master Programme Academic Board Member

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Brevity is the soul of wit - Shakespeare William (Hamlet)

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