Hi all,

I am working on PSoC6, dual core CM0+ / CM4 and I need a reset (toggle pulse: 
high > low 10 ms > high > wait 100ms > attach SWD on CM4). So the CPU won’t 
attach under reset but will attach after about 10-40ms. I will need set up the 
.cfg file to have a SRST because the CPU can be in sleep and an ‘intrusive’ 
connect is less important. I can setup another attach cfg if I want a less 
intrusive attach.

I tried several option but I didn’t find it worked consistently with all 
adapters. I will do more testing tomorrow and try out all suggestions.

FYI: I updated/rewrote the complete PSoC6.c file as the one currently in the 
repo is one of the first versions made by Cypress at the time and if has many 
defects. Will commit the update after testing.


Op 7 dec. 2023, om 23:04 heeft Antonio Borneo 
<borneo.anto...@gmail.com<mailto:borneo.anto...@gmail.com>> het volgende 


you can try with
reset_config srst_only srst_nogate connect_assert_srst
but this is not valid for every SoC, so give it a try.

You can find more details in OpenOCD documentation, but shortly this
command will instruct OpenOCD to:
1) start and keep the SoC under reset
2) while the SoC is under reset, OpenOCD will try to set 'halt in reset vector'
3) when gdb attaches, the reset is removed and the CPU should halt at
reset vector.

The tricky point is 2). Some SoC during reset disables the JTAG port
or disables the debug clock, so operation 2) will fail.

I just tested it on a STM32F4, running this on command line:
openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -c 'reset_config
connect_assert_srst' -c init -c 'reset halt'
and it halts at reset vector even when FW in flash reconfigures the
JTAG pins of when all the clocks are off due to power saving or idle


On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 4:40 PM Tommy Murphy 
<tommy_mur...@hotmail.com<mailto:tommy_mur...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

How can I implement an SRST procedure of let’s say 10mS assert

Using the `adapter assert/deassert` and `sleep` commands maybe?


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