On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.har...@zylin.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
> > Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> >> Nit, the construct below is a little bit fancy. I'd prefer splitting
> >> it over multiple lines to make it more accessible to the
> >> casual reader.

That requires adding a lot of brackets.

> > Or just use goto, please, which is clear, simple, well understood,
> > and elegant all at once. :)
> I think goto is OK sometimes. When it is used to unwind the stack
> frame and free up resources, in lieu of exceptions and resource
> tracking it can clean up the code significantly.

I'm all for gotos in error handling. In this simple case it wouldn't have
made things cleaner and the patch would have grown. Also I didn't want to
join the goto-vs-subfunction-flamewar-to-be, so a third option was
convenient. :) Main objection is that people are not very used to the comma
operator. I don't mind rewriting it using goto if the list feels that would
be preferred.

> The patch uses code duplication and if statements inside the
> cleanup fn(if (buffer) free(buffer)), which can be avoided using
> exception handling and resource tracking. In the case of this patch,
> it looks like the if (ft2232_buffer) free(ft2232_buffer) is a case
> of "conservative programming". I'd much rather have an assert
> in this case than to have broken code "auto-repair" and be harder
> to get right.

Duplication? Rather code reuse. Ok, the repeated calls to the cleanup
function (or the equivalent gotos, if you want to go that route) would have
disappeared using exception handling. But C doesn't have it, so...

The if statement was added to make ft2232_quit() a bit more generic so it
could be used for all cleanup cases, including the error case where malloc
fails. The alternative would have been to add a separate error handling path
for that case. And given how often error paths are exercised, it's safer to
keep them to a minimum.

> Note that I'm not holding off committing the patch for the above, as
> maintainer I'm interested in progress as well as more philosophical coding
> style discussions. :-)
> If someone does come forth with an even more cleaner patch, then
> I'm OK with that. This is now growing into a case-study of how to formulate
> a patch more than a fix. The openocd community has much to learn
> about how to formulate patches.
> As long as there is progress, I don't mind holding off the patch.
I'm not in a hurry. There's a lot to do in the ft2232 driver. I have the
intention to perform some general cleanup in the near future, will post some
thoughts this evening maybe.

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