On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Andreas Fritiofson
<andreas.fritiof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Setting the FTDI pins to Hi-Z is not necessarily the same as setting the
> pins in the JTAG connector to Hi-Z. There is arbitrary dongle-specific
> interface logic between the FTDI chip and the connector.

Not true. Good example here can be KT-LINK SWD+JTAG buffers [1]
configuration designed by Krzyszfot Kajstura - all signals can be
electrically disconnected from target and they are in default
configuration (after powerup). This is really nice design, also the
first open SWD+JTAG for FT2232H chip. Interface can also offer
additional signals such as various resets and control that also should
be disconnected, especially for other transports. Upcoming SWD
framework make use of existing ft2232 code, also the ft2232_quit()
function, so there is a default possible behavior common to all
ft*232-based devices. Thats not that complicated, isn't it?


Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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