On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Tomek CEDRO <tomek.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Laurent! :-)
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Laurent Gauch <laurent.ga...@amontec.com>
> wrote:
> > But before to close the handle we should still be able :
> > -1- to tristate signal High-Z via all the out enable signals used in the
> > specific layout, BUT BUT BUT ONLY if we have entered in the MPSSE mode.
> The whole driver works in MPSSE mode...
> > (If you have a Amotnec JTAGkey-2 you may verifiy this by checking the
> > external yellow LED. This LED should be OFF after any quit/shutdown)
> > As I explained with the TRST and OMAP in previous message ...
> I have created simple quit() that sets all port pins high and as input
> (mpsse command 0x80 0x82) but that did not shut down the yellow led
> :-(

Since the suitable setting depends on the mapping of the GPIOs and the
surrounding electronics, the quit function would probably need to be layout
specific, as Laurent mentioned.

> Do you have any other ideas on what should be done on ft2232_quit()
> except rtck, hi-z, div5..? I can prepare a patch, or Peter will as I
> can see he is already working out the subject :-)

What problem is setting pins to a default state on exit supposed to
solve? Are we sure this is what we want? If I make openocd pull the reset
line and then quit openocd, I'd expect the target to remain in reset. If I
quit openocd while the target is running, I'd expect it to keep on running.
How would that work if we make this change?

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