- **summary**: opensaf shall support indefinite unavailbility of both 
controllers (Hydra V1) --> Support multiple node failures without cluster 
restart (Hydra V1)
- Description has changed:



--- old
+++ new
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-The opensaf cluster shall survive that both system controllers are 
indefinitely unavaliable i.e. down (no cluster reboot as today)
+The opensaf cluster shall survive simultaneous failure of multiple nodes 
without initiating a cluster restart. In particular, it shall support 
simultaneous failure of both controller nodes. To support long lasting and/or 
permanent node failure, OpenSAF must be able to move the system controller 
functionality to any node in the cluster. After the system controllers recover, 
either on the same nodes as before or on some other nodes, IMM and AMF state 
shall be as before the controllers got unavailable.
-After the system controllers recover, IMM and AMF state shall be as before the 
controllers got unavailable.
+Since AMF state can not change while the system controllers are unavailable, 
this means that AMF can not react to service availability events for as long as 
the cluster is running without an active system controller. This means that 
service availability (a statistical property) will be impacted in relation to 
how often this new feature is excercised. Therefore, it is important that a new 
system controller can be elected and come into service as quickly as possible 
to minimise the time spent in this "headless" state.
-Since AMF state can not change, this means that AMF can not react to
-service availability events. This means that service availability (a 
-property) will be impacted in relation to how often this new feature is
-It is important that *everyone* understands this.
-There is no magic being done here.
-Use case: opensaf cloud deployment. In a cloud deployment, the risk for 
multiple simultaneous node failures is increased due to a number of reasons:
+The use case for this is OpenSAF deployment within a cloud. In a cloud 
deployment, the risk for multiple simultaneous node failures is increased due 
to a number of reasons:
 * The hardware used to build cloud infrastructure may not be carrier-grade.
 * The hypervisor is an extra layer which can also cause VM failures.
 * Multiple VMs can be hosted on the same physical hardware. There is no 
standardized interface for querying if two nodes are located on the same 
physical machine.
 * Live migration of VMs can cause disruptions
 * The "Pets vs cattle" thinking: There is an expectation that VMs can be 
treated as "cattle", i.e. that the loss of a few VMs shall not have a 
devastating effect on the whole cluster (which can consist of a hundred nodes).
+* Consolidation of IT and telecom systems.
 To be refined a lot...



** [tickets:#1132] Support multiple node failures without cluster restart 
(Hydra V1)**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 4.6.FC
**Created:** Tue Sep 23, 2014 01:51 PM UTC by Hans Feldt
**Last Updated:** Tue Dec 02, 2014 01:54 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

The opensaf cluster shall survive simultaneous failure of multiple nodes 
without initiating a cluster restart. In particular, it shall support 
simultaneous failure of both controller nodes. To support long lasting and/or 
permanent node failure, OpenSAF must be able to move the system controller 
functionality to any node in the cluster. After the system controllers recover, 
either on the same nodes as before or on some other nodes, IMM and AMF state 
shall be as before the controllers got unavailable.

Since AMF state can not change while the system controllers are unavailable, 
this means that AMF can not react to service availability events for as long as 
the cluster is running without an active system controller. This means that 
service availability (a statistical property) will be impacted in relation to 
how often this new feature is excercised. Therefore, it is important that a new 
system controller can be elected and come into service as quickly as possible 
to minimise the time spent in this "headless" state.

The use case for this is OpenSAF deployment within a cloud. In a cloud 
deployment, the risk for multiple simultaneous node failures is increased due 
to a number of reasons:

* The hardware used to build cloud infrastructure may not be carrier-grade.
* The hypervisor is an extra layer which can also cause VM failures.
* Multiple VMs can be hosted on the same physical hardware. There is no 
standardized interface for querying if two nodes are located on the same 
physical machine.
* Live migration of VMs can cause disruptions
* The "Pets vs cattle" thinking: There is an expectation that VMs can be 
treated as "cattle", i.e. that the loss of a few VMs shall not have a 
devastating effect on the whole cluster (which can consist of a hundred nodes).
* Consolidation of IT and telecom systems.

To be refined a lot...


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