Latest information on name of global OpenSAF class.

1) RDN

2) Class name

3) Attribute name

Here is an illusion of the result `immcfg –c OpensafConfig` – display class 
>     << OpensafConfig - CONFIG >>
>     opensafConfigId: SA_STRING_T [1] {RDN, CONFIG, INITIALIZED}
>     opensafNetworkName: SA_STRING_T [0] = Empty {CONFIG, WRITEABLE}


** [tickets:#1480] LOG: Extend information about origin of log record**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.0.FC
**Created:** Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:50 PM UTC by elunlen
**Last Updated:** Wed Nov 25, 2015 02:17 PM UTC
**Owner:** elunlen

Add the possibility to show network name and CLM node name or node id as an 
extension of the already existing way of showing the origin of a log record.
For a detailed description of what to implement see the attached .odt document.

To show/document how this can be implemented the ticket will be complimented 
with a series of prototype patches that will be attached when ready


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