Not everyone will tell you to fork off. Who is approachable should
be clear after reading the thread.

Melanie wrote:
>> I think you're a bit confused as to what Open Simulator is (and what it
>> isn't).
>> Seems pretty foolish.  Stupid people do stupid things.
>> If you're going to beat your drum, and try to conjur up money, then
>> at least screw your head on straight and try to get a grasp on what
>> it is that you're trying to accomplish.
> Holy cow, is this what people get for asking how they can help with
> OpenSim? Drew came along, asking how non-coders can help, and
> presented fundraising as one possibility, and gets suspicion,
> hostility and downright insults.
>> We have no clue what direction you are trying to head....
> Just recently someone was asking for an OpenSim roadmap, and the
> consensus was "We don't really have one." Now we get people screaming
> The issues raised are certainly valid, and it's perfectly fine to say,
> "It's not as straightforward as you may think," but this type of
> response is completely uncalled for.
> I've been planning to invest a substantial amount of my own money in
> OpenSim, and would have been asking here how best to do it; apparently
> the best advice in this thread is "fork off".
>> Those people that actually paid money for a Facebook Clone are
>> probably some of the dumbest people I've ever seen.
> P.S. Diaspora isn't a "Facebook clone". It's an entirely different
> approach to social networking, and quite a good idea, I think.
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