I'm not sure if there is already a mantis bug report on this and I don't
have time right this second to look, but thought I'd forward this message
along as an FYI.  I recall having some discussions about this with Justin
and Neb prior to OSCC but I don't recall what the resolution was if any.

- Chris/Fleep

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <singularity-vie...@googlecode.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Issue 1096 in singularity-viewer: [AVFACTORY]: Missing baked
texture spamming console
To: fleep...@gmail.com

Comment #1 on issue 1096 by jayden.b...@gmail.com: [AVFACTORY]: Missing
baked texture spamming console

As a very interested observer of this issue, but not a Singu team member
just a user, I would like to make a hopefully helpful comment and also
confirm this issue.

I noticed this issue about 2 weeks ago and have been testing extensively
since then as I too suffered it.

I have mostly solved the byproduct; the error message in the log (not the
root cause) by enabling the server cache (copy the FlotsamCache.ini.example
to FlotsamCache.ini - OS setup documents mostly forget to constantly tell
people this rather important step >.>).

As a side effect loads are also much faster.

Googlefu found and confirmed that enabling *both* memory and disk caching
in the FlotsamCache.ini file must be done to remove the error. (Devs:
Remind me to add the cross reference to OpenSim's mantis later. hehe.)

With 2 weeks solid testing, it seems at least on my OS regions if you don't
have both settings set to on then the baked textures are obtained by the
server on TP in, but not applied and then lost by the OpenSim server as it
deals with everything else before finally rendering you. Before this
workaround, on my regions at least, when it came time to render the avatar
I saw the warning in the logs. The previously sent but lost (due to
insufficient server caching) baked textures are thus re-requested and
applied and you finally turn from cloud to avatar.

(As a hint to the reporter, I also bumped up my cache retention quite a lot
as my three regions are not so high traffic. I can afford the ram and disk
to hold things for 3 days to a week even. YMMV depending on scenes and

All that said:

There is STILL the root cause to this issue as I see it, in that the baked
textures for a new person to the region - to my inexpert eyes looking at
both server and client logs in depth - are done at the wrong interest level
or lost by the server. As a hint to any developer who looks at this in the
future; it's almost looks like the avatar needs to be baked, rendered and
placed in world before the world is drawn around it... as an alternative,
there could be a new step included in the initial region processes... draw
a known default texture as skin/eyes until the baked texture is ready.

I suspect Cool does this by displaying a blank white skin, but I've not yet
bothered digging into Henri's code to see his differences. Avatars on Cool
do rez super fast, but they come in as blank textured, 0xFFFFFF coloured
and remain that way it seems for as long as Singu people are clouds. It's
better to look at.

((Votes +1 for return of your shape but 0xFFFFFF skinned Ruths))

No matter what viewer though... My own server logs after this flotsam
change is made show new people to the region will be unbaked for a while.
Far less than without a server cache though. Some people will need to force
rebake. But the error is gone.

As a respectful triage hint... I'd love to be proven wrong but this seems
like it's an OpenSim root cause, but I do feel Singu could handle that
failure better. I should discuss it one day in depth with a dev when new
people into my region stay as a cloud.

Reporter: If you have fcache turned on with both memory and hard disk and
are seeing those errors then my findings are for a different bug. But as
the error messages were the same 2 weeks ago and I've not had one since...
it is worth writing this.

/me leaves it for the very capable Singu team to research/triage further. ;)

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