Matt Ingenthron wrote:
It occurs to me that the term "gatekeeper" is really more from Sun's teamware source control legacy and could carry a negative connotation to someone in the community who is not (or only loosely) familiar with the term.

I've never worked in a consolidation with a formal gatekeeper role, but my
understanding from the interaction I've had with consolidations that do, is
that it's more of a release engineer or release manager role that many open
and closed source products have - grunt work, not leadership.   For instance,
ON in Solaris has separate gatekeepers and technical leads.   The gatekeepers
are busy maintaining the source trees in whatever code management system is
used, sysadmin'ing the source servers and build machines, etc.   Choosing a
gatekeeper is not about who can make the best decisions about where a project
is going, but more about who can run the machines and CMS that will host the

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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